Floods can be devastating, especially when they catch you off guard. So, if your house is in an
area that is prone to flooding, you need to be extra careful to ensure your own and your
home’s safety. Taking just a few precautions well in advance can help lessen the threat to your home’s structure, saving you a considerable sum of money.
So, if you want to prepare your home for a flood but aren't sure how to start, this article is for
you. Read on to know a few tips that can help you be well-prepared in case a flood strikes your area.
Waterproofing Is Essential
Waterproofing your house may seem expensive, but it can save you a lot of hassle in the long
run. The basement of your home is likely to be the first place to be affected in case of a flood,
so make sure you get the right kind of waterproofing done to prevent flood water from
entering your home. The same is true for all other entrances of the house - this will help seal
the interiors from the flood water.
Install Sump Pumps
Sump pumps can be a savior during floods. Installing these in your basement will help you
pump out any accumulated flood water quickly and efficiently. But, choosing the right kind of
sump pump is the key here. Don't go for one that only runs on electricity - you never know
when the electricity can be disrupted during floods. Instead, choose one with battery backup.
This will enable you to pump the water out of your basement even if there’s no electrical
Raise Electrical Components To A Safe Level
Electrical components like switches, wiring, sockets, and so on, can pose a great danger if they come in contact with water. So, to lower the risk of electrocution, you need to make sure to elevate all these components to a safe level. Ask your electrician to raise them at least 12
inches above the projected flood levels to ensure the safety of your family and yourself.
Have A Precaution Plan Ready
Floods can be quite sudden - so having a plan of action for such situations can give you a great advantage in case you have to evacuate quickly. Make a list of all the tasks that need to be done like turning off the electric supply, disconnecting appliances, shutting off gas, etc. You should also have a pre-decided place and route for evacuation in case of such disasters.
Stock Up On Essential Supplies
Floods can leave you stranded inside your homes until the waters subside. So, in case there is a flood alert, make sure you have all the essential supplies to last you and your family for a few days at least. Stock up on canned food, enough bottled water, medical supplies, battery-
operated torches and flashlights, and so on.
Keep Your Valuables Safe
Flood water can damage valuable items like documents and wooden furniture. So if there is a
chance that the flood water might enter your house, it's a good idea to shift such items to the higher levels of your house. Some documents can be hard to replace - so try storing them in waterproof boxes at all times. This will keep them safe even if you don't have enough time to
shift them during a flood.
Prepare An Emergency Kit
Keeping an emergency kit is essential if you are living in a flood-prone area. This will help you
deal with emergencies when stranded at home or after evacuating to a safer place. Your
emergency kit should be equipped with everything you need to keep yourself and your family
going until things turn back to normal. Make sure everyone in the house is aware of the
location of the emergency kit.
Get A Flood Insurance
Your regular insurance won't cover the damages caused by floods. So, if your home is located in a flood-prone area, purchasing flood insurance is a must. This policy can keep you covered
against any losses to your home or possessions due to flooding.
Summing Up
So, these are a few things that will help keep you and your home safe during floods. Keep an
eye out for flood alerts and follow the tips mentioned above to ensure minimum damage to
your property.